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Journal of Contemporary Agriculture and Bioscience

Research Article

Four Crop-based Cropping Pattern Studies for Increasing Profitability and Productivity in Bogura Region of Bangladesh

Md. Tanbir Hasan
Md. Tanbir Hasan

On-Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bogura, Bangladesh.

,Md. Shahidul Alam
Md. Shahidul Alam

On-Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bogura, Bangladesh.

,Md. Zulfiker Ali
Md. Zulfiker Ali

Department of Soil Science, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh

,Md. Aminul Islam
Md. Aminul Islam

On-Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bogura, Bangladesh.

and Most. Arzuman Akther
Most. Arzuman Akther

Tuber Crop Research Sub-Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bogura, Bangladesh.

Received: 27 December, 2021 || Accepted: 28 January, 2022 ||Published: 30 January, 2022



The experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station, OFRD, BARI, Bogura (AEZ 3) during 2015-2016 (July 2015 to July 2016) to increase cropping intensity and productivity in rice based cropping system for sustaining food security, poverty reduction, resource management and livelihood improvement of ever increasing populations. Four treatments of cropping sequence were as follows: CP1 = T. aman–Mustard–Boro–T. aus; CP2 = T. aman–Potato–Boro–T. aus; CP3 = T. aman–Mustard–Mungbean–T. aus and CP4 = T. aman–Fallow–Boro–Fallow (Farmers practice). The highest REY (47.76 t ha-1) was recorded from the cropping sequence T. Aman-Potato-Boro-T. Aus, which was followed by T. Aman-Mustard-Boro-T. Aus (18.90 t ha-1). The lowest REY (11.68 t ha-1) was obtained from the cropping sequence T. Aman-Fallow-Boro-Fallow. Inclusion of mustard during rabi season in CP1 and CP3 increased REY 61.62 to 60.79% compared to farmer’s pattern CP4. On the other hand, inclusion of potato in CP2 increased REY 308.90% during 2015-16.


Keywords: Four crops, cropping intensity, productivity and rice equivalent yield.

    How to cite: Hasan, T., Alam, M.S., Ali, M.Z., Islam, M.A., & Akther, M.A. 2022. Four Crop-based Cropping Pattern Studies for Increasing Profitability and Productivity in Bogura Region of Bangladesh. Journal of Contemporary Agriculture and Bioscience, 1(1), 1-4.  


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