Journal of Contemporary Agriculture and Bioscience
Morphological Study of Pummello Germplasm in Chattogram Region of Bangladesh
Received: 09 January, 2022 || Accepted: 30 January, 2022 || Published: 06 February, 2022
An experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station, Khulshi, Chattogram during 2019-2020 for the evaluation of twenty two pummello genotypes. Among these twenty two germplasm, ten genotypes namely CG Pah002, CG Pah003, CG Pah005, CG Pah006, CG Pah008, CG Pah013, CG Pah015, CG Pah020, CG Pah021 and CG Pah022 produced fruits.The heaviest fruit (1826g) was recorded from CG Pah 013 followed by CG Pah005 that weighted 1790g. The lightest fruit (730g) was observed in CG Pah020 followed by CG Pah021 that weighted 740g. The largest fruit size (15.2 cm x 17.9 cm) was obtained from CG Pah013 and the smallest fruit size (10.67cm x 12.57cm) was recorded from CG Pah021. The heaviest segment (73.20g) was recorded from CG Pah006 and the lightest segment (33.92g) was recorded from CG Pah020. Maximum edible portion (68.0%) was calculated from CG Pah015 and minimum edible portion (46.84%) was calculated from CG Pah003. The highest total soluble solid (10.73) was counted from CG Pah020 and the lowest total soluble solid (7.04) was counted from CG Pah002. CG Pah015 produced maximum amount of fruit (24.15 kg) and CG Pah002 produced minimum amount of fruit (1.13 kg). All the genotypes were bitter in taste except CG Pah006.
Keywords: Pummelo, qualitative characters, Quantitative characters, Climatic condition.
Copyright information: Copyright © 2021 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
How to cite: Chowdhury, S.M.K.H., Azam, M.G., & Rashid, A.S.M.H. 2022. Morphological Study of Pummello Germplasm in Chattogram Region of Bangladesh. Journal of Contemporary Agriculture and Bioscience, 1(1), 5-8.
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