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Journal of Contemporary Agriculture and Bioscience

Research Article

Efficacy of IPM Package against Cucurbit Fruit Fly (Bactrocera Cucurbitae Coquillet) of Bitter Gourd

Md. Yousuf Ali
Md. Yousuf Ali

Assistant Manager – Agro, Sublime Agro Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Received: 02 May, 2022 || Accepted: 09 June, 2022 || Published: 18 June, 2022


A b s t r a c t

A field experiment was conducted at the farmer’s field at Sreepur, Gazipur during 2019-2020 with a view to evaluating the effects of IPM package against fruit fly in bitter gourd. Crop under IPM plots (Sex pheromone + Sanitation + Beneficial insects) resulted comparative lower fruit damage and produced higher yield than the non IPM plots. The lowest fruit infestation was obtained from the IPM treated plot (4.67%) whereas the highest was in the non IPM plots (16.22%). The infestation status of IPM and non IPM plots reflects in the yield. Comparative higher yield was obtained from IPM plots (27.45 t/ha) than the non IPM plots (18.30 t/ha). Higher gross return (Tk. 411750/ha) and gross margin (Tk. 283200/ha) was also recorded from IPM treated plot than the non IPM plots.

Keywords:  Bitter gourd, IPM package, fruit fly and fruit infestation.

Copyright information: Copyright © 2022 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Ali, M.Y., 2022. Efficacy of IPM Package against Cucurbit Fruit Fly (Bactrocera Cucurbitae Coquillet) of Bitter Gourd. Journal of Contemporary Agriculture and Bioscience, 1(1), 13-15.  



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